Thank you for installing...

With ThePrintDirections you can simply find desired directions, print them and take them with you on your trip. Try it today, always 100% free!


How to use

Just a few simple tips on how to use the extension...


Start typing desired address

Click on the input field and start typing an address. Pick your location from prediction list to add it to your route.


How to remove stop?

Did you added more that needed or plan has been changed? While hovering items, remove button will appear. Just click to remove it.

How to Manage ThePrintDirections ?

Just a few simple tips on how to manage the widget...


Activate the Widget

While on any website, click on the floating button to open the widget.


Disable the Widget

To hide the button and widget, hover over the button to trigger the "power" button. Click the button to choose the best option.


Reactivate the Widget

Click the ThePrintDirections widget icon in your browser's toolbar.

Print your directions and take them with you!

With ThePrintDirections you can simply find desired directions, print them and take them with you on your trip. Try it today, always 100% free!
